• Date: 25/01/2023

Vital partnership provides 400 vulnerable hospital leavers with supplies

A support and home improvement specialist and local charity have partnered to provide over 400 food parcels to patients leaving hospital.

Revival and Stoke-on-Trent Foodbank joined forces in November 2020 to provide food and essentials to help return people safely home from hospital.

The vital partnership since continued and has now provided over 400 parcels to patients who without, wouldn’t be able to go home.

Revival says it’s just one of the ways it’s making sure people can live independently at home in Staffordshire, Cheshire and Derbyshire.

Team Leader Mark explains: “Being able to say we’ve delivered over 400 food parcels to customers leaving hospital is such an achievement.

“We partnered with the Foodbank in November 2020 to supply food and essentials to people leaving hospital.

“Revival run a service based at Royal Stoke, Haywood and County Hospitals that helps patients return safely home by providing an assessment and support for 14 days.

“As part of that service we were seeing a lot of people who wouldn’t be able to get out once home or didn’t have anyone around them who could pick up food and essentials for them.

“It meant that people were staying in hospital for longer than needed and was preventing new admissions.

Revival partnered with Stoke-on-Trent Foodbank, based in Blurton, who offered to help provide food parcels to those needing them.

“The Foodbank were great and offered their support so we could help return waiting patients home quickly but still safely. 

“The Foodbank prepare up to 10 parcels every week and we collect them to give out to customers in need.

“They’re made up of enough long-life food to last five days during their recovery at home while we set up a more permanent arrangement.

Corrine Boden MBE, Operations Manager, from Stoke- on-Trent Foodbank, explains; “This year we mark 10 years of our work locally, providing emergency food, which has only been possible thanks to the generous support of local people.

“During this time we’ve built up a network of local organisations and charities that we work closely with to ensure no one has to go without food. Our work with Revival is a prime example of this.”

Find out more about Revival's Home Support Services