Helping Brian stay safe and well at home

  • Date: 03/09/2021

Our Home Support Services Team met Brian* following his discharge from hospital. 

Brian was in serious danger of being re-admitted to hospital due to poor mental and physical health, but wanted to remain at home. Our team understood Brian's need to stay in his own home so created a support plan to make sure he could stay safe and well.


First, Support Worker Beccy fitted a temporary keysafe and lifeline pendant so carers could access Brian's home easily and be alerted if he needed help. Beccy also referred Brian to his GP so his ongoing physical and mental health could be addressed, ordered a more suitable bed and commode, as well as placing an order for a food parcel and ongoing deliveries. 

Over the next couple of days Beccy also reported a trip hazard to Brian's landlord and worked with a care agency to make sure the right level of personal care was provided. She arranged for a district nurse to visit Brian and a delivery service for his prescriptions too. 

Sometimes it's the little things that can mean so much to customers like Brian. When Beccy met Brian he was incredibly worried about an outstanding bill payment he was unable to make. Beccy was able to help Brian order a new bank card and cheque book so he could access his money again, and pay this bill. 

"Brian is adamant that without Revival’s intensive support he would certainly have been back in hospital very quickly" explains Home Support Officer Mark.  "I'm really happy to say Brian's physical and mental health are gradually improving and he feels more secure and settled back at home."

Revival offer a countywide support service to people discharged from hospital back into their homes. If you'd like to find out more please visit

*name changed