• Date: 18/03/2022

Funding will stop vulnerable people having to choose between heating and eating

Revival have been awarded funding to support vulnerable people leaving hospital in Stoke-on-Trent.

The £800 funding provided by Stoke-on-Trent City Council will provide essential supplies to make sure people are warm in their homes during winter and the start of spring.

Revival will provide essential supplies packs containing blankets, gloves and thermals and essentials like food and toiletries. Along with utility top ups to customers using their Home Support Service.

Operations Manager Alison Lawson explains: “We’re seeing more customers who simply cannot afford to have their heating or electric on so they just go without. People were struggling before the cost of living and utility increases so it's only likely to get worse.

“The average person would usually be able to cope without heating during the summer but during winter temperatures can go below freezing. If your home is cold it could have a serious impact on your health over a pro-longed period of time. If you have a health condition or dependency on top, it can make you even more vulnerable.

“When people return home from hospital they need an environment that’s going to help them fully recover. Not a cold home that will only contribute to poor health.

This funding helps us provide a safe and warm home suitable for customer’s needs. It means they can recover properly and will help to prevent future hospital admissions.

People shouldn’t ever have to choose between heating and eating, so this will be a lifeline to many.”

Find out more about Revival's Home Support Service
